The Surelock Commentary on the Book of James


A Bible Study From A Different Perspective

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Roger Riccard, well-known author of over fifty Sherlock Holmes mysteries, has turned his pen toward a biblical study of the Book of James. Riccard, a certified biblical scholar by Moody Bible Insitute, brings us a look at a bible study from ‘the other side’. Entertaining and thought-provoking, a scholarly, yet poignant look at this controversial letter which Martin Luther chose not to use in his Canon due to its emphasis on works. Yet it remains one of the most instructional guides to the Christian life.

‘The Surelock Commentary on the Book of James: A Bible Study from a Different Perspective by Roger Riccard is an eye- opening examination of the teachings found in James. It takes an epistolary format in which a senior demon, Surelock, guides his subordinate, Wantsome, on how to subvert the instructions provided in the Book of James and keep believers from reading the Book. Surelock suggests techniques that Wantsome can use to discourage and deceive his charges while manipulating them. The work examines each chapter, addressing commonly held misconceptions about specific passages. It shows how the teachings provided are especially relevant in today’s world and encourages Christians to remain vigilant and aware of demonic strategies … Readers will love the work’s style and will find its observations enlightening.’

(5 Star Review from Reader’s Favourite by Edith Wairimu)

I want to thank you for giving me a copy of your new book. I really enjoyed reading it. The format of memos written to a demon in training really works well. It gives one a very practical understanding of the book of James and how it can be useful in our daily walk with God. I like the way you begin by noting the content of the letter is much more important than correctly identifying the author. If authorship of each individual book of the Bible was of primary importance, then we would never be able to study books such as Hebrews, whose author is unknown.
While it is clear that your goal in writing this book is to give people a better understanding of James, it is just as clear that you are have not set out to please the people who read this book. The nominal Christian may be upset at what you say about not faking joyfulness out of some type of religious obligation; that trusting God to provide should displace a desire for worldly possessions; how “little things” like one sex scene in a movie or much swearing can have a big impact in putting us on the road that leads us away from God; and how one hour at church each week is simply not enough to keep us grounded in the faith. You are right that “Authentic religion is indeed much more than lip service and ritual.” Although many in the the church today may find it difficult to hear such things, it needs to be said.
I am amazed at the number of derogatory terms you have come up with to describe human beings, and yet each one seems to fit quite well. I am especially fond of “boring bipeds” and “moronic mudpies.” Hopefully those who read this book will see a little of themselves in these terms and, at the same time, see that “… the one saved from the error of his ways (is) covered by the blood of the Lamb.” You have done a good job of making it clear that, while James emphasizes both faith and works, it is not the works that saves us. It is Christ, and Him alone, that saves us from our sins …
… So many commentaries in our day attempt to explain a text, yet rarely do they give a practical application of the text for our day. Your commentary on James does both. It could be used as a daily devotion, reading one memo per day, as one grows in their understanding of the letter of James and how it applies in their daily walk with God. It is disheartening that it took so long for you to get this published.
Tom Kendall (Pastor of the United Methodist Church)

Additional information

Weight 0.168 kg
Dimensions 21.6 × 14.0 × 0.7 cm

Roger Riccard








Irregular Special Press







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