Welcome to Baker Street Studios – the home for murder mystery books and related items. we are an umbrella website for the purchase of products form Breese Books, The Irregular Special Press, Hansom Cab Books and The Inspector Morse Society. Breese Books was founded by Martin Breese in 1982 and in time became the leading publisher for Sherlock Holmes pastiche novels, while also producing a large range of books on magic. Over half of the murder mystery back catalogue was made up from two of the foremost Holmesian authors of their time, Val Andrews and John Hall.
Breese Books
Founded in 1982 by Martin Breese the company was known as the largest publisher of new Sherlock Holmes pastiche novels. When he retired in 2004 it was decided that going forward Breese Books would concentrate on producing new Sherlock Holmes novels, to be called the Breese Books Sherlock Holmes Collection. Today Breese Books has around 50 books in its back catalogue with all but 2 of these being Sherlock Holmes based.
The entire range of Breese Books remains in print, with most being available as eBooks. Many have been made available in foreign languages (Russian, Chinese, Italian, Estonian and Japanese) and in large print formats.
Inspector Morse Society
The Inspector Morse Society, founded in 1995, is the official and only officially recognised society for the Inspector Morse enthusiast (and not forgetting Lewis and Endeavour fans as well!)
The Irregular Special Press
Irregular Special Press is an independent publisher of both fiction and non-fiction books. Originally publishing Sherlock Holmes books, the company diversified into producing a series of … On Location guides to film and television series – the first being Inspector Morse on Location. It was a good decision since some of the location guides have become best sellers, and led in 2021 to a new set of books being produced under the series title In the Footsteps of … – the first of these being In the Footsteps of Jack the Ripper.
Today the Irregular Special Press has a back catalogue of 50 books including 9 … On Location guides, 3 In the Footsteps of … guides, 8 audio books and 1 DVD with more to follow.
Hansom Cab Books
Hansom Cab Books is dedicated to providing rare and secondhand books for the collector. Most are related to Sherlock Holmes but other themes are also covered such as Colin Dexter first editions, London prints, railway books etc.